"Mystical inscriptions" save three year old after she picks up a cobra to show mum!
Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 11:17 am
A mother shrieked in horror when her three year old innocently showed what she had discovered in her bedroom.
A live cobra!
Relatives joked in online posts that little Nammon's "mystical inscriptions" on her leg had saved her from being bitten by the venomous snake.
In reality these looked like scribbles from a marker pen - but who knows!
Sanook conjectured that the three year old had grown used to playing with rubber snakes and animals and in her innocence had inadvertently picked up the real thing.
They warned parents of the increasing prevalence of snakes in properties during the rainy season.
Source: Sanook
A live cobra!
Relatives joked in online posts that little Nammon's "mystical inscriptions" on her leg had saved her from being bitten by the venomous snake.
In reality these looked like scribbles from a marker pen - but who knows!
Sanook conjectured that the three year old had grown used to playing with rubber snakes and animals and in her innocence had inadvertently picked up the real thing.
They warned parents of the increasing prevalence of snakes in properties during the rainy season.
Source: Sanook